
Week 12- Exp 2 Final Submission, The bridge

                                                                                                                Theory The ‘campus’ is a phenomenon of increasing relevance to modern urban planning. In Europe, universities are reconsidering their position in society and taking on extensive reorganisations and expansions of their physical structures. The postwar university campus as an isolated community of scholars is subject to thorough revision. In Asia, on the other hand, new campus-style universities are shooting up like mushrooms. Global companies build campus-style factory sites for their international headquarters or for their research-and-development departments. The controversy over the desirability o...



Week 11- Draft Renders/ Videos & Marking sheets

                                                    Draft Renders                                                                                                                   Hero shot moving draft 1 moving draft 2 When planning the programs and phasing of the site, I choose different topographic manipulation strategies based on their various functions i also maintain most of the original planting without interfering the construction. The strategy is to transfer them into series of various terrace landscape merg...

Week 10-Axonometric / GIFs & Model update

                                        Axonometric Gif 1                                                                                                                   The idea of space is to divide different functions and add them together.                                            Axo Gif2 Spaces that have additional rooms which cut the spaces and create the differences

Week 8- Plan Ideation & developed concept

                                       Plan Ideation & developed concept Plan Ideation (Inspired by Mix C / Callison Inspiration Modified layout after Ideation Divided into four main bodies: transportation, black box, Garden. The concept was driven by the center of urban-campus culture and social change Following my theory, the idea was to make use of the connection and create elements to enhance it. on the other hand ,to create a floating space which have enough place for garden and exercise is necessary. moreover, according to the research, because kingsford and rankwick is located on a mountain, hence i want to add a bicycle path on the upper floor for people. The developed model